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How to Survive a Plane Crash: 20 Tips

May 17, 2011

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May 17, 2011

ABC’s longstanding 20/20 news show recently issued 20 fascinating tips for surviving a plane crash; they range from abstaining from in-flight cocktails to sitting within five rows of an exit to wearing comfortable shoes. The tips come courtesy of Ben Sherwood, who is the president of ABC news and author of The Survivors Club–The Secrets and Science That Could Save Your Life.

“If a plane crashes it’s very likely that I'm going to survive it, and if I do the right thing, if I pay attention, if I have a plan, if I act, the chances are even better," said Sherwood.

Sherwood warns, however, that being involved in a plane crash in your lifetime is highly unlikely, saying that a person could fly in an airplane every day for the next 164,000 years and not have an airplane crash.

20/20's plane crash survival tips come as a companion to a story about a well-known blogger who, along with her husband, was involved in a 2008 small plane crash and badly burned. Both the woman and her husband survived thanks to some quick thinking.

Read all 20 aviation accident survival tips here.

Do you have a game plan for surviving an aviation accident?

If you or someone you know has had their safety compromised on a commercial or private aircraft, contact the national aviation lawyers at Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy.

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