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Makers of Extra Strength Tylenol Reducing Acetaminophen Dosage

July 29, 2011

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July 29, 2011

The makers of Extra Strength Tylenol, Johnson & Johnson, announced yesterday that the company would lower the maximum daily dosage of the product in order to reduce the risk of overdose from acetaminophen, the medication's main ingredient that is also known to cause liver damage.

According to, new labeling will be used on the medicine's packaging starting in the fall. It will feature maximum daily dosage guidelines of six pills (3000Mg), two less than the previous eight pill (4000Mg) limit. Johnson & Johnson spokespeople said that the same changes will be implemented later next year with Regular Strength Tylenol and other pain relievers containing acetaminophen.

Excessive acetaminophen usage has been shown to cause liver damage, and statistics show the drug is responsible for 200 fatal overdoses and more than 56,000 emergency room in the US each year. In 2009, these findings prompted a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) panel of advisers to call for extensive restructuring and restrictions of how acetaminophen is distributed. In January of this year, the FDA announced it would reduce the dosage of the drug in prescription painkillers like Percocet and Vicodin by half, from 700Mg to 325Mg, in an effort to reduce risks of health problems and death.

The Ohio Drug Injury Lawyers with Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy may be able to assist you or your loved one if acetaminophen was responsible for liver damage or accidental overdose.

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