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Soldiers Reporting Long Wait Periods Before Receiving Veterans’ Disability Benefits

March 15, 2013

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March 14, 2013

As time passes, the number of both Veterans’ Disability Benefits claims filed and the wait times for those claims to be processed continues to rise. The most recent data from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) indicates that only 20 percent of all new benefit claims are being processed within the agency’s goal of 125 days.

The rate is even lower at the Cleveland, Ohio, VA regional office, where all Ohio veteran claims are processed. According to Mansfield News Journal, the facility reported 75.6 percent of all claims take longer than 125 days to process and still are only accurate by less than 90 percent.

Most claims take much longer to process. In fact, as of this past August, the VA was operating on an average of around 260 days to process each claim. That is up from the 161-day average that was recorded in 2009. Many soldiers returning from Iraq and Afghanistan are facing average wait times of around 327 days for their claims to be processed.

With the VA expecting an influx of more than one million veterans over the next five years, finding solutions to this problem is vital. The VA has announced the adoption of both a new computerized, electronic processing system and a shift in manpower aimed at eliminating the issues.

The Cleveland Personal Injury Lawyers with Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy are hopeful the changes will be successful in getting veterans the help they need.

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