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Turbulence A Leading Cause For Aviation Accident Injuries

September 14, 2012

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September 14, 2012

Despite the efforts of airlines to keep passengers safe at all times during flights, turbulence is listed as a leading cause of aviation accidents that result in injuries.

According to USA Today, the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) says that each year, roughly one dozen passengers suffer severe injuries as the result of flight turbulence. Take, for instance, the case of a 50-year-old North Carolina man who hurt his knee and hand in an aviation accident during a flight from Chicago to Raleigh in 2006.

He claims that he was using the plane’s lavatory in the moments before the approach to land when the flight hit a patch of turbulence that forced the plane to jerk violently, causing him to hit his knee and hand. The impact resulted in torn ligaments and tendons in both limbs. He stated that following two surgeries, the injuries are still painful at times.

The risks of being injured by turbulence go up for airline crew, and the NTSB estimating 49 crew members were injured in 2007 alone. The Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that eight out of every 100,000 airline employees are injured on the job each year.

The Ohio Personal Injury Lawyers with Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy would advise air travelers to remain buckled and seated at all times during flights and to only move about the cabin when the pilot has cleared you to do so.

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