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Ohio Woman Awarded More Than $1 Million in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

January 17, 2014

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Diagnosis and surgical errors are some of the most common and most dangerous types of medical mistakes a patient can face. Such errors often result in civil litigation being filed against the responsible doctor in an effort to collect compensation for damages that were incurred. The Ohio Medical Malpractice Attorneys with the law firm of Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy explain such a lawsuit recently resulted in the victim of a botched spinal surgery being awarded more than $1 million.

Reports from FOX 19 News indicate the victim underwent the procedure at the recommendation of a doctor, but experienced severe pain and suffering in the time that followed. She and dozens of other patients who were harmed by the doctor later filed suit against him, claiming he lied to them regarding the severity of their conditions and performed unnecessary medical procedures on their bodies.

A jury agreed and awarded the victim $500,000 for pain and suffering, along with $40,000 in lost wages and another $500,000 in punitive damages; however, state law will cap the victim’s award at $750,000.

The law firm’s team of Ohio Personal Injury Lawyers are aware of how difficult recovering from a medical mistake can be and are hopeful the decision that was reached in this most recent case brings a sense of closure to the incident for the victim and her family.

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