Tips to Prevent Ohio Motorcycle Accidents This Summer

July 20th, 2015 | Personal injury

The Importance of Motorcycle Safety The warm temperatures of summer are upon us here in Ohio, and the lovely weather has motorcyclists from across the state getting their bikes out on the open road. The increase in motorcycle traffic along with other factors is leading to a rise in the number of crashes involving motorized bikes… Read More

Motorcycles and Spring Do Not Have to be a Fatal Combination

May 6th, 2014 | Motorcycle accident

Not quite sure at this point if Spring will ever come to Northeast Ohio. But when it does we can be sure to see the re-emergence of motorcycles on the roadways and highways. Statistically this can be a problem for the avid motorcyclist and the inattentive driver. According to statistics reported by the U.S. Department… Read More

2 Ways Law Enforcement is Working to Reduce Ohio Motorcycle Accident Numbers

April 25th, 2014 | Personal injury

As warmer weather begins to linger in Ohio and the popularity of riding motorcycles continues to increase, law enforcement is beginning to focus their efforts on preventing Ohio motorcycle accidents. The move comes as no surprise, considering there are more than 12,000 motorized bikes registered in the state today. In the past, these bikes have… Read More