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Online Shopping May Lead to More Ohio Trucking Accidents

December 5, 2016

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The numbers are in. Cyber Monday brought in more than $3 billion for online retailers this year. That’s a lot of packages being routed through just a handful of mail providers, and the shopping season is just getting started. FedEx was expected to hire 50,000 people this holiday season, while UPS estimates a 14% increase in shipping over last year’s holiday season. Put those numbers together and we could be heading into the heaviest package delivery holiday season ever. All those packages shipping here and there means more trucks on the roads during one of the most dangerous driving months of the year. At Nurenberg Paris, we sincerely hope the increased congestion on our roads does not lead to an increase in Ohio trucking accidents, but we’re ready to help accident victims if it does. Over the years, we’ve served as legal advocates for those injured by big trucks in Ohio, and if you or someone you love has been injured, we’re ready to help you too. Why call Nurenberg Paris? Because getting fair compensation from trucking companies and the insurance companies that represent them can be extremely difficult on your own. They have teams of lawyers working to minimize injury claims, and you deserve the same legal power working to maximize yours. If you’ve been injured in a trucking accident, give us a call immediately for a free consultation. Our experienced Ohio truck accident attorneys will fight to protect your rights to compensation, and we won’t stop until we get the money you deserve. Contact us today.

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