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What to Expect: Truck Accident Claims

August 21, 2019

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Even the largest SUVs and pickup trucks are no match for semi-trucks in a collision. Because of the massive size and weight difference between tractor trailers and passenger vehicles, it’s common for drivers and their passengers to be seriously injured when they’re involved in accidents with big trucks.

Commercial truck accidents aren’t just more likely to result in injuries than other types of crashes—they’re also more legally complex. That’s because there’s more than one party that can be considered liable for the crash, and because insurance companies are often more reluctant to pay victims the compensation they deserve.

If you or someone you love was recently injured in a semi-truck accident, it’s important to have an experienced law firm on your side. At Nurenberg Paris, we know state and federal laws governing tractor trailers, and we know how to build commercial truck accident claims that get results. Don’t wait to get the help you need—contact us today for a free consultation.

3 Steps We’ll Take to Maximize Your Chances of Getting Compensation

You may be reluctant to get a lawyer after a truck accident—especially if you’ve never filed a personal injury claim before. Our Ohio truck accident lawyers know what you’re going through, and we’ll do everything we can to make you feel completely at ease and comfortable with the legal process.

When we take on your claim, we’ll have three goals in mind as we work to get you the money you deserve:

  1. Determine who was responsible for the crash—Potentially liable parties may include the truck driver, truck owner, truck company, or even the driver of another vehicle. It’s our job to find out who caused the accident.
  2. Determine how much money you’re owed—Your medical bills may keep piling up, and your injuries may result in weeks, months, or even years of lost paychecks. We’ll calculate your total accident-related expenses—including some you might not be expecting.
  3. Negotiate with the insurance company—The insurance company wants to deny your claim or pay you a “lowball” settlement to protect its profits. We’ll work hard to get you every penny you deserve.

Truck accident claims require patience, experience, and resources, and we have all three. Don’t settle for just any law firm after your accident—get a legal advocate with a track record of success and a determination to win. Contact us today.

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