Advancements In Aviation Technology Make Flying Safer

January 16th, 2013 | Aviation articles

January 16, 2013 All too often, pilot errors are found to be contributing factors in Aviation Accidents that occur across the globe. So, what if a piece of technology was designed to prevent such mistakes from being made? What would the impact of its implementation be on safety in the aviation industry? A recent article from Aviation International… Read More

We Salute Don Bateman

February 8th, 2012 | Aviation articles

February 8, 2012 First a block of red lights up on the instrument panel, “Caution–Go around!” Then the loud commands become insistent, “Terrain. Pull up! Pull up! Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!” This is all part of the crash-avoidance technology pioneered by Don Bateman, which has virtually eliminated what used to be the most… Read More