Cleveland Class
Action Lawyers
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If you’ve been injured by a product or service, chances are, you’re not the only one that’s been affected. When a large group of people file a joint claim against a party that caused them similar injuries or harm, it is called a class action lawsuit.
Alone, your injuries or damages may not be great enough to file a claim; but combined with hundreds—sometimes thousands of others who have experienced similar issues—they can be a strong force against a large corporation or opponent.
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Joining a Class Action Case
You may be eligible for compensation through a class action lawsuit if you have suffered an injury or wrongdoing from:
- a defective product,
- fraudulent service,
- improper charges,
- workplace discrimination,
- or wrongful termination.
While these are common types of class action cases, there are many others. Contact an Ohio personal injury lawyer from Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy today. Our legal team will help determine if your claim can be joined in a current class action lawsuit.
You are not alone—fill out a free initial consultation form or call 216.621.2300, and get the assistance you need.
Criteria for a Class Action Lawsuit
According to state and federal government regulations, in order for a judge to recognize a class action lawsuit, the case must meet several criteria, some of which include:
- There is an identifiable class—or group of plaintiffs.
- The class must have appointed members to represent their collective grievances.
- There are a large number of plaintiffs, making it impractical to try claims individually.
- The claims of the representatives are typical of the claims in the rest of the class.
- The class’ legal counsel is capable of fairly representing the best interests of all class members.
If you need legal help, don’t hesitate to contact our class action lawyers to learn more about your legal options.