Coming to the realization that your loved one needs to move to assisted living can be difficult. But for many families, that’s just step one. Step two involves determining which nursing home they should move into.
There are nearly 1,000 nursing homes in Ohio, and that can make it extremely hard to pick the right one for your loved one. After many hours of research, tours, and paperwork, you finally get your loved one moved to a place they can hopefully call home—but what happens if their new home isn’t a place where they feel safe and secure? What happens if “home” is actually detrimental to their mental and physical well-being?
Nursing home abuse and neglect are unfortunate realities for many care facility residents throughout Ohio. When residents are mistreated in their nursing homes, it’s important for their loved ones to protect them, and that often involves moving them to new facilities. But how can you know if your loved one is in danger and in need of relocation?
Watch for These Signs of Abuse
Abuse can range from subtle forms of intimidation and harassment to outright physical violence. Be on the lookout for these signs:
- Unexplained bruises—Your loved one may have bruises on their body if nursing home staff members or other residents hit, push, punch, or strike them. These bruises may not always be easily visible, and they may be covered by clothing and bedding.
- Fear of staff members—When you visit your loved one, watch how they react in the presence of staff members. Do they appear fearful or anxious? Residents may cower when they’re around staff members who physically or verbally abuse them, and they may be too afraid to speak out for fear of retaliation.
- Depression or withdrawal—Did your loved one’s personality suddenly change? Have they lost interest in seeing friends and family, or participating in social events? These are signs that abuse may be occurring, as it can result in depression and hopelessness.
Watch for These Signs of Neglect, Too
Nursing home residents can suffer even if staff members never touch or speak to them inappropriately. Neglect can be even more serious than abuse, as it can result in a serious decline in overall physical and mental health, and it’s often more difficult to detect. However, signs that it’s occurring include:
- Sudden worsening of health—Many nursing home residents are elderly and suffering from pre-existing conditions. But if their conditions were stable and suddenly worsen, it could be because they aren’t getting the medication and treatments they need.
- Unexplained weight loss or dehydration—Nursing home residents often rely on others to bring them food and water. When staff neglects these duties, residents can become malnourished and dehydrated, resulting in weight loss and serious health problems.
- Poor hygiene and unclean living conditions—It’s important for residents to have access to personal hygiene items, baths, and regularly cleaned linens and living quarters. When nursing homes are neglectful, residents may live in squalor, putting their health at risk.
Worried? Call a Lawyer and Start Looking for a New Nursing Home
Nursing home abuse and neglect can be matters of life and death. That’s why you shouldn’t wait to gather more evidence or see if the situation improves. In most cases, it won’t. In fact, it may even get worse.
It’s important to call an experienced Ohio nursing home abuse lawyer as soon as possible if you suspect your loved one is being mistreated. At Nurenberg, Paris, Heller & McCarthy, our legal team has decades of experience helping abused and neglected nursing home residents and their loved ones get compensation for what they’ve gone through.
When you contact us, we’ll also help you understand your options for protecting your loved one, whether that involves moving them to a different part of their current nursing home or finding a new facility for them altogether. It’s our goal to protect your loved one and your family any way we can, including getting you maximum compensation for the nursing home’s breach of trust and negligence.
Call today for a free consultation.